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Bear Down Report
Project Background
In May of 2021, I was hired as the part-time Graphic Designer for the Bears’ fan site BearDownReport.com. The website was started by fans of the Bears who wanted an all in one site for everything Chicago Bears. I am the designer of most of the media deliverables for the site, article headers, and youtube thumbnails for any videos they post. I try to keep my designs unique by using duotones, and image manipulation to create eye catching headers.
Bear Down Report Podcast
The pagemaster of the site wanted me to redesign the site’s podcast. For the redesign, I wanted to do something very simple and basic. I find that in a lot of cases, less is better. Sometimes you might overthink a design, and insert more visual elements for more visual flair, but that can mess up. the message you are trying to send. I created the pictogram in the center as a visual translation of the site’s name.
Bear Down Report Poster
In June of 2021, The BDR Pagemaster had me create a poster for the site. I wanted to keep it simple with using basic graphical elements related to the site. I felt that this would be the best approach, as it could help the brand be front and center. I came up with the tagline “No Click Bait. No Mockery. Just Bears Football” to help illustrate the fact that BearDownReport was committed to giving Bears fans the best content they can find.